Friday, March 7, 2008

Essay uno DOS

So I have decided that i am going to write about America's obsession with security, while relating to Once Upon A Time. I am going to use the book as a basic guideline to help me come up with a thesis and help my the ideas of the book relate to my ideas.


Clary said...

I think this is a very rich topic Caleigh. There will no doubt be lots of contemporary articles on our current "culture of fear" and the response of the "security industry."

PraiseDance_21 said...

To answer your question or cooment I am not really sure cause I am still not fully aware of what it is that I need to do and I barely know where to start.

PraiseDance_21 said...

Yes that did indeed give me a confident boost as to what should happen. I'm glad someone around here can explain in english terms....LOL!

~*Shannon*~ said...

Thanx for the comment...I like your topic because that's immediately what I thought about when I read Once Upon A Time. Go read my blog on it, you might get some ideas.