Monday, March 3, 2008

Essay uno

At the moment I am a bit confused on what the first essay is about. It seems that the essay is us writing about the stories we have read so far? Thats what it sounds like at least, and if that is what it is about then that sounds good. So far I have enjoyed most of the stories we have read. There have been some i dont like as much as others, but all in all they have been interesting and very fun to analyze. Sometimes i wish a story could be just a story, that we wouldnt have to analyze and rip it apart until it's dead. But at the end of each class i come away knowing so much more about the story and the author. I come away knowing what my classmates think of the story, and i come away with thousands of questions on the story. I think thats the most important thing, to have questions, i think its even more important then completly understanding the story. If you completly understand the story then your finished with it, there isnt any more you can get from it. But if you walk away with more questions and more thoughts running around in your head then your not finished with it, there is still room to explore and gather new information.
So far out of all the stories we have read, there have been two that i have enjoyed greatly. Once Upon A Time and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Those two stories I feel have had the most room for exploring and ananlyzing. Especially Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? at first read you dont think much of it, then you start thinking, i mean really thinking, about it and you start realizing things arent what they seem, maybe there is a hidden meaning in the story, maybe there is something you didnt catch the first time. Then you start thinking about the characters and who they remind you of. You go from a simple story to people being a fallen angel, the devil, elvis presley.
I loved hearing what everyone else's opinions were too. Some peoples were similiar to mine and some peoples were completly in the oposite direction.


Clary said...

I love what you've done with your blog site! I also like your description of why we analyze a story. I think we want to get away from the idea that "a story is just a story" for the very reasons you've given. Language is a complex sign system that is full of secrets that we want uncover. I agree that the questions are the most important!

Let me see if I can clarify about essay uno. You will be writing about one or more stories. For example, you could write about Once Upon a Time and America's obsession with security. If you want to write about WAYG,WHYB? you could write about young girls' misconceptions about intimate relationships or the influence of music on teenagers. Remember, you will complete outside research to support your findings.
Does this help?

caleigh said...

Both of your ideas were great, now i just need to figure out which one i would like to do.
At the moment i am leaning a little bit more towards WAYG,WHYB? I think it would interest me more researching about misconseptions and the influence on teenagers, seeing as im influenced sometimes, and also a teenager.