Thursday, March 20, 2008

Haunted Houses

I have a feeling this chapter is going to be fun! The introduction pulled me in and it made it seem that this whole chapter would be full of exciting emotional stories. My favortire types of stories, stories on family and love are in this chapter. I am very excited to begin reading all these stories.

I read Bone Black, it was very touching and very emotional to read about a daughters view on her parents abusive relationship. I noticed this writer used very short choppy sentences, which i thought worked very nicely with this story. This story was different, i have read many stories coming from the childs point of view but it was intersting the way the author wrote it.
I hope to read many more stories like this.

1 comment:

Clary said...

So why do the short, choppy sentences seem to work? Does this create a particular tone or reflect on the subject matter in some way? Proofread for apostrophes.

You still need to write more. Responses should be a minimum of 300 words. Write in Word and then check word count. Also, read ahead of the syllabus so you have time to give the writing quality time.