Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Endings

This has been my favorite story in this chapter. I think the reason i liked it so much was becasue i completly understood it and it was funny. I have been looking for funny in this book of storys and i found it.
The story was extremely short, but if it were to go on any longer then i think it would have been repetitive. I am gong to use this story as a start off point for my essay 3. I am excited to start working on this essay while using this story.
This story really did use the different roles of genders very accuratly i thought. At times it was stereotypical, but did seem a little right. I hate the fact that thats what women and men are seen as these days, thats how people see us? It's very interesting.
I am excited to talk about this story in class and see what other peoples opinions on it are.

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