Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Good Man is Hard to FInd

Where to begin, this story was insane. It started off simple, just the family going on a vacation to Florida. In the beginning I couldnt really tell what the time period was, i thought it was around this time, maybe in the 90's. But as the story kept going it seemed to me that maybe it was set in the 50's or 60's maybe. I wasnt completely sure. Throught the beginning of the story you got a sense of the main characters, the dad, Bailey seemed strict, some what conservative, it seemed like he liked everything his way, nothing out of the ordinary to happen. The grandmother was very oldfashioned it seemed, she liked to be catorgarized as a lady, she made sure to wear a nice lady like outfit so people would know she was a lady. She was also very proper and liked to talk about the old times, where things werent as scary and everyone was a lot safer. The mom didnt say much or do much, she seemed pretty laid back, didnt really take control of the kids when they spoke out or didnt add her opinion in on anything. The two kids were very obnoxious, they spoke out way to much and were very rude. They didnt know how to speak to adults in a polite manner and said whatever they wanted to without thinking. Throughout the story everyone talked about the misfit, who ended up reminding me of Arnold Friend from our other story. But an older version. Him and his two friends were very creepy, as soon as they drove up i had a feeling it was going to be the misfit, and i had a feeling that the whole family was going to die. I wish the grandmother had kept her mouth shut and didnt even say anything about the big house she wanted everyone to see, which wasnt even in the same state. It seems like the whole time she was trying to protect the family by staying away from danger, especially the misfit, but it turns out she led everyone right for danger. It was her who decided to look for the house, who decided to bring the cat, who freaked out and woke the cat up, who spoke to the misfit. She really brought it all onto herself, of course she didnt mean to, but she did.

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