Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Once Upon a Time

As we were talking about this story in class a lot of people related it to fairy tales. I thought it was semi fairy tale like, but for the most part it just seemed more of an overprotective paranoid family. In some ways i can defenitly see the fairy tale aspect, but it was kind of like a weird twisted creepy sketchy fairy tale i guess. I didnt really understand why the grandmother kept getting called a witch, we didnt hear much at all about her, other then she said to keep people out and she gave her grandson a fairy tale book. The story was kind of sad in my opinion, the family started out happy and for the most part care free. They had a wonderful home, and loved each other very much. But soon everything seemed to go down, there house became ugly when they added the wall and gate and barbed wire. I understand the need for protection, but some times it can go too far.
Another thing i noticed was that everyone loved everyone so very much. It said over and over that he loved her ver much, she loved him very much, the boy loved the cat so very much. It almost seemed like they were trying to convince the readers of there love for one another. It was like at the end of the day thats all they really had, they never felt completly safe, they never really had everything they wanted, but at the end of the day they had love for eachother.
It also seemed strange the person thinking of the story was trying to make her self feel better because she was scared of everything she heard at night, and she thought of that story. Which defentily did not make me feel any better at all.

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