Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Post!!

This is my first post, i'm pretty confused so far about what this is really. But i think i will get it soon.
ok, well post to you later.


Gameguy614 said...

Hey I'm commenting you

Gameguy614 said...

Hey I am actually commenting you now. I hope that everyone uses this because it'll be cool. yea.

Jovi said...

Hey how's everything?! This class is going to be interesting

J Reid said...


PraiseDance_21 said...

You are goofy like me....yeah!!! I am glad that you were feeling the same way i was.... I thought i was alone out there. But Veggie burgers sounds wierd. I dont know if I could survive without meat!!! Now that's food for thought. LOL

J Reid said...
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