Tuesday, April 15, 2008

essay 2

From my understanding the second essay is like the first but dealing with the new group of stories? If i am correct, then my idea would be to use "I Stand Here Ironing" and connect it with relationships between mothers and daughters. I'm not exactly sure how i could twist this into a semi research paper. I was thinking maybe i could compare mother daughter relationships from around the world. To see what differs from one culture to another.
I am still thinking and will hopefully come up with some great new ideas soon!

1 comment:

Clary said...

I'm glad someone is working with this story and the concept of mothers and daughters. This is a broad topic, so let's think about how we can narrow it down. Might you argue about the particular conflicts that arise in these relationships? What struggles are most common? How are these struggles represented in the story if they are?