Monday, April 7, 2008

I stand here ironing

I really enjoyed this story. I think that this story trumps the other ones and is becoming my favorite one.
"I stand here ironing, and what you asked me moves tormented back and forth with the iron."
I thought that line was so amazing. It started out the story and gave you a sense of what was to come ahead. The mother daughter relationship in this story was interesting. It seemed it the very beginning, before the mother started to explain everything, that she knew nothing about her daughter. That she never really connected with her. But once she started explaining things it seemed that she was really close with her. She had to leave her a few times with different family members but it seemed that when ever they were together they were pretty close. I thought it was cute that they would take days off work and school just to be together. My mom and i do that sometimes too. I liked how the daughter would make up things, like you look sick, i look sick, theres a holiday etc. instead of straight out just saying she didnt want to go.

Something that stuck out to me in the story was the very tiny bit about the teacher who was mean. "why arent you outside, because Alvin hits you? thats no reason, go out, scaredy." I thought that was terrible! Having a teacher like that, or sending my kid to a teacher like that would terrify me. Another kind of disturbing part to me was the part about the place where people send there kids so they can get the right attention and the right food and everything. I dont really understand why someone would willingly send there own child away for at least 6 weeks. They were saying that the mother should send her away so she could care for the new baby. I thought that was kind of selfish and must have been so hurtful to the daughter.
I wish that the mother never had other children, i wish that it was only the two of them, forever with no one else to get in the way of there relationship.
Throughout the story you could tell that the mother loved her daughter so much, and cared so much for her when she was going through all these hard times. I really enjoyed reading about mother daughter relationships because i have such a strong one with my mother.


Gameguy614 said...

Hey Caleigh
From the tone I got from this story it seemed like the Mother was really fond of her daughter when she couldn't take care of her but then near the end of the story she seemed like she could care less about her and was basically saying that things might keep going that way unchanged. I thought it was a really depressing story. I did find it very interesting though. I, not being a girl, didnt really understand how a mother daughter relationship worked until i read this story. i know its not the best example of a good relationship but the fact that a rekationship like this could be so struggled and hard to keep up with shocks me. The reason I say this is because in my family we are all really close and you always stick up for your family. so reading this story made me feel kind of good that I had such a nice family. I hope you felt the same.

Shakerrie Allmond said...

Hey caleigh,
I felt the same way you did about he mother sending her daughter away for 6 months just because she needed more time for the new baby. i understand that raising a new infant can be much but how many single mothers or fathers do that. she had to take the cheat way out and send her oldest to a freakin bording school. that would have hurt my relationship with my mom if she would have did anything like that.

caleigh said...

if my mom sent me away just becuase of the new baby i dont think i would even have a relationship with her anymore.

Clary said...

The first line is amazing! I agree. What do you think she was asked? Clearly the teacher (we assume) wants to talk about Emily and her progress which causes torment. She ruminates in her mind over and over like the back and forth of the iron. I also agree that she presents the story as if Emily baffles her. In the end, she may actually know more (or at least know she doesn't know) than many mothers.

You play hooky with your mother?!? Hmm...This does signify a closeness as you say. Or is this the mother's guilt? That teacher was mean and we all probably know how much damage a stray comment like her's can cause.

The home the daughter is sent to is a form of welfare. The mom can't afford to care for her daughter. These places don't exist anymore as far as I know. Istead, government assistance is provided. This story as a great deal to do with poverty as a factor in parenting.

J Reid said...


The mother seemed to love EMily very much but she didnt express it very well. I dont think that she realized that hse was not showing affection towards Emily until the end. THe other babies got in the way. Although I dont think that the mother should have avoided havign them. It would ahve always been a struggle for money.

J Reid said...


The mother seemed to love EMily very much but she didnt express it very well. I dont think that she realized that hse was not showing affection towards Emily until the end. THe other babies got in the way. Although I dont think that the mother should have avoided havign them. It would ahve always been a struggle for money.