Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ordinary People part 2

I unfortunetly didnt get to finish the whole movie, but i think i only missed like 15 or so minutes of the movie. But from my understanding the last part is the most important. I'll have to order the movie from netflicks or something. But as i was reading other peoples blogs i noticed that some people thought the acting was excellent, more then perfect. But i didnt find the acting all that great. By no means was it bad, but i didnt think it was mind shattering amazing.

But the idea of the movie, it just made me so sad at how far apart the mom and son are. She just pisses me off so much. She doesnt like to talk about anything personal, she wont let people into her life, she closes off all emotions. There are so many people like this, but seeing in a movie a person like this just really bothered me. She refused to see the therapist, she gets mad when the father talks about it. Then she just got so angry when she found out Conrad had quit the swim team. I understand her being mad becuase he still pretended to go to practice and she had no idea where he was going. But the only reason she was really upset was because her friend told her before she found out.
I am going to try and watch the end of this movie so i can let you know what i thought about the movie as a whole.

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