Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Endings

This has been my favorite story in this chapter. I think the reason i liked it so much was becasue i completly understood it and it was funny. I have been looking for funny in this book of storys and i found it.
The story was extremely short, but if it were to go on any longer then i think it would have been repetitive. I am gong to use this story as a start off point for my essay 3. I am excited to start working on this essay while using this story.
This story really did use the different roles of genders very accuratly i thought. At times it was stereotypical, but did seem a little right. I hate the fact that thats what women and men are seen as these days, thats how people see us? It's very interesting.
I am excited to talk about this story in class and see what other peoples opinions on it are.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lady with Lap Dog

The first paragrah already pulled me in. The name in the first paragrah, DMitry Dmitrich Gurrov, very interesting i thought. I saw it atomiaticaly as a love story, he saw her, he saw her again in the park....very love story i thought. THe way he describes his wife is kind of pathetic. Who would describe there wife like that? She was borrowed browed and narrow minded.
I found the part about her seeing him and blushing and almost fainting interesting. It doesnt matter what age you are, you awlays get a little frazzled by a member of the opposite sex(or the same, depending).

THe story was narrarated by Dmitry, i like when the story is narrarated by one of the characters, you get to see what they are thinking and how they cope with what is happening in the story. I also wonder though, what the other characters are thinking. What if the other characters have completely different thoughts of what is happening?
When he meets Anna it seems to change the way he talks, and narrarates. She is quiet and kind of to her self, and he just seems like a shitty guy that talks really terribly about his wife.
By the end i am not completely convinsed that Dmitry loves Anna, throughout the story he seems like a bad guy so its hard to believe that he loves this shy girl.

Friday, April 18, 2008

More on essay 2

So i have defenitly decided to use the story "I Stand Here Ironing" and relate it to mother daughter relationships. I need to figure out how to narrow it down, talking about two peoples entire relationship i think would be way too much and way too broad. I'm not sure really how i want to narrow it down. I would like to write about the problems mothers and daughters have, or the extremely close connection some mothers and daughters have OR different types of relationships mothers and daughters could have throughout the world. I really need to figure out which one i would like to do, all three of them interest me a lot, so i guess i need to figure out which one i could write the most about but at the same time be concise. So, i'll think about that over the weekend and get back to you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ordinary People part 2

I unfortunetly didnt get to finish the whole movie, but i think i only missed like 15 or so minutes of the movie. But from my understanding the last part is the most important. I'll have to order the movie from netflicks or something. But as i was reading other peoples blogs i noticed that some people thought the acting was excellent, more then perfect. But i didnt find the acting all that great. By no means was it bad, but i didnt think it was mind shattering amazing.

But the idea of the movie, it just made me so sad at how far apart the mom and son are. She just pisses me off so much. She doesnt like to talk about anything personal, she wont let people into her life, she closes off all emotions. There are so many people like this, but seeing in a movie a person like this just really bothered me. She refused to see the therapist, she gets mad when the father talks about it. Then she just got so angry when she found out Conrad had quit the swim team. I understand her being mad becuase he still pretended to go to practice and she had no idea where he was going. But the only reason she was really upset was because her friend told her before she found out.
I am going to try and watch the end of this movie so i can let you know what i thought about the movie as a whole.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

essay 2

From my understanding the second essay is like the first but dealing with the new group of stories? If i am correct, then my idea would be to use "I Stand Here Ironing" and connect it with relationships between mothers and daughters. I'm not exactly sure how i could twist this into a semi research paper. I was thinking maybe i could compare mother daughter relationships from around the world. To see what differs from one culture to another.
I am still thinking and will hopefully come up with some great new ideas soon!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ordinary People part one

When i first heard we were going to be watching a film i thought oh great, its probably going to be a documentary or one of those "educational" films. But it was an actual movie! So, that alone was pretty exciting. This movie was set in the 80's, and filmed in the 80's, so it has that feel to it, like 16 candles, and pretty in pink. When it first starts out you can kind of sense the 80's feel haha.

In the beginning i was a little confused. I wasnt really sure what was wrong with Conrad, which by the way i hate that name, his dad seemed to be a little concerend about him. He went to check on him at night, then he talked to him in the morning. The mom didnt seem as concerned. She freaked out when he wouldnt eat her french toats though. I thought that was interesting. After finding out that the family had a son/brother that died i was very surpirised. The parents didnt act liek anything was wrong at all. They didnt seem sad, or confused, it seemed they were living there lives pretty normally.

The relationship between the mother and son was extremely awkward. THey hardly talked, but when they did it was so hard to watch. It was almost embarassing. I believe the first actual "conversation" they had was when he scared her when she was in his brothers room. They talked for an awkward minute or two about trig and shirts. Then the next conversation they had he started barking at her. It was really bizarre and botehred me so much. I dont really understand how a family can be that awkward.
I want to learn more abotu his hospital visit and his brothers death and his parents relationship. I can see lots of questions being answered soon in the next viewing of the movie!

Monday, April 7, 2008

I stand here ironing

I really enjoyed this story. I think that this story trumps the other ones and is becoming my favorite one.
"I stand here ironing, and what you asked me moves tormented back and forth with the iron."
I thought that line was so amazing. It started out the story and gave you a sense of what was to come ahead. The mother daughter relationship in this story was interesting. It seemed it the very beginning, before the mother started to explain everything, that she knew nothing about her daughter. That she never really connected with her. But once she started explaining things it seemed that she was really close with her. She had to leave her a few times with different family members but it seemed that when ever they were together they were pretty close. I thought it was cute that they would take days off work and school just to be together. My mom and i do that sometimes too. I liked how the daughter would make up things, like you look sick, i look sick, theres a holiday etc. instead of straight out just saying she didnt want to go.

Something that stuck out to me in the story was the very tiny bit about the teacher who was mean. "why arent you outside, because Alvin hits you? thats no reason, go out, scaredy." I thought that was terrible! Having a teacher like that, or sending my kid to a teacher like that would terrify me. Another kind of disturbing part to me was the part about the place where people send there kids so they can get the right attention and the right food and everything. I dont really understand why someone would willingly send there own child away for at least 6 weeks. They were saying that the mother should send her away so she could care for the new baby. I thought that was kind of selfish and must have been so hurtful to the daughter.
I wish that the mother never had other children, i wish that it was only the two of them, forever with no one else to get in the way of there relationship.
Throughout the story you could tell that the mother loved her daughter so much, and cared so much for her when she was going through all these hard times. I really enjoyed reading about mother daughter relationships because i have such a strong one with my mother.